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Sound Healing Community

If you would like to learn more about the wonderful world of Sound Healing, here are some profound and talented Sound Healer colleagues that I look to for inspiration, guidance and innovative new explorations into their research and study with sound as a healing modality.

This is a list of the wonderful individuals or groups whom I have either met, worked with, or have been inspired by their work, as we are all on the same path of uplifting and elevating individual and planetary consciousness through sacred sound transmissions.


Tom Kenyon – teacher — scientist — sound healer— psychotherapist — musician — songwriter — singer — sound shaman — author.  (I was blessed to see Tom Perform in New York City in 2014 with my brother.  He has an incredible talent.)


Jonathan Goldman – writer, musician, and teacher; international authority on sound healing and a pioneer in the field of harmonics.  (This is whom I bought my first set of Tuning Forks from. )


Myrrh de Marmion – (Santa Fe, NM) – Sacred Sound Alchemist and Ecstatic Vocalist, holistic musician, mystic, and ceremonialist who explores and works with Sacred Sound as a deep source of transformation and connection to inner well-being. (I met Myrrh at Anahata Healing Arts while living in Savannah, GA, and we have collaborated many times in sharing Sacred Sound experiences with our communities.  She has a beautiful, etheric voice and has a variety of of sound healing talents.)


Dev Suroop Kaur – (Espanola, NM) – Musician, singer, Naad Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Chanter (I had the pleasure to meet and sing with Dev Suroop at my Kundalini Immersion in New Mexico.  She has a powerful and captivating voice, and a deep knowledge of Gurmuki chant and Indian ragas.)


Sat Purkh Kaur – (Espanola, NM) – Musician, singer, Naad Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Chanter.  (I also met Sat Purkh at my Kundalini training in New Mexico.  She has one of the most powerful and soul-touching voices I have ever heard.  I am blessed to have gotten to hear her sing in person.)


True Mark Alisandre – (Savannah, GA) – True has a wonderful talent for cultivating and inspiring others to interact, play and perform in community through Drum Circles.  His patented technique and delivery is called RIPE – Rhythmic Interactive Percussive Experiences. (I’ve had the opportunity to drum with True many times while living in Savannah, GA, and I was always amazed at his ingenuity, freedom, and contagious spirit to inspire others to find freedom and joy in drumming, chanting and dancing.)


Nathan Dyke – (Asheville, NC) – Fellow sacred sound practitioner, specializing in Native American flutes, didjeridoos, drums and percussion, magical strings and vocal chanting.  (I also met Nathan when he would travel to Savannah, GA to share his sound healing meditations with the community.  He is a very talented and soulful sound healer.)


Kennedy OneSelf – (Asheville, NC) – Sound healer, didjeridu craftsman, mobile sonic sound healing experiences. (I met Kennedy at Singing Alive Appalachia gathering in North Carolina.  He is a didjeridu craftsman and I had the pleasure of buying my first didjeridu from his collection.  Very talented and spirited healer!)


Jill Mattson – accomplished artist, musician, lecturer & author. (Her website Ancient Music has a wonderful documentation of how healing music has been used in the past by cultures around the world.)


International Sound Healing Association – Organized by shamanic and sound healer, Don Simmons.  Don’s organization helps promote’s the the benefits of therapeutic sound.  (I got to meet and work with Don a few times in the past while attending his Shamanic Workshops in Atlanta, GA.  He has a mastery of shamanic drumming and is a peaceful, kind and uplifting teacher.)


Singing Alive Sound Circles – (Nationwide) – Some of the most powerful experiences I have had came in the form of singing together in the companies of others.  Singing Alive holds several times a year on both coasts, multiple-day sound, song and chant circles, where you can experience the connection and joy that comes from singing and chanting songs and chants from the world’s traditions, in groups of other spirited souls.


Sadhu Sanga Retreat  – (Boone, NC) – 4-Day retreat spreading Krishna Consciousness through the power of the Hare Krishna Mantra through spirited kirtan singing, chanting and dancing.

Healing Sounds, Music & Voice Journeys for the Benefit of All
Insight Timer   21.2k followers YouTube 8.6K subscribers YouTube 437 followers