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Insight Timer   21.2k followers YouTube 8.6K subscribers YouTube 437 followers

Full Moon Kundalini Mantras –
August 28th 2015 – Live in Santa Fe, New Mexico led by Dev Suroop Kaur

In August 2015, I attended my Kundalini Yoga teacher’s training immersion in Espanola, New Mexico where I met yogi and musician, Dev Suroop Kaur.  Dev Suroop is a master of Naad Yoga and mantra and was one of our teachers at the immersion.  Towards the end of our course on August 28th, 2015, she invited a few of us to assist her in some mantra chanting at a local yoga studio in Santa Fe, New Mexico as a tribute to celebrate the life of Michael Hopp. This was the 10th anniversary of Michael’s passing and the 20th anniversary of the Santa Fe Community Yoga Center, which he founded in 1995.  Here are some recordings from that magical evening.

Dev Suroop Kaur – Lead chanting, acoustic guitar & harmonium
Matthew Jaidev Duplessie – chanting & acoustic guitar
Edwin Hughes – chanting & percussion
Banka – chanting & percussion

You can visit hear more of Dev Suroop’s healing and penetrating voice at her website –

The Dev Suroop Full Moon Group – 01 – Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo (6:43) (Right click to download)

Translation: “I bow to the subtle divine wisdom, the divine teacher within.”


The Dev Suroop Full Moon Group – 02 – Akaal (9:55) (Right click to download)

Translation: “Undying.”


The Dev Suroop Full Moon Group – 03 – Aap Sahaaee Hoaa Sachay Daa Sachaa Doaa Har Har Har (12:46) (Right click to download)

Translation: “You, Divine One, have become my refuge. True is Your support, Great Creative Infinite.”


The Dev Suroop Full Moon Group – 04 – Sat Nam (11:02) (Right click to download)

Translation: “Truth is my identity.”


The Dev Suroop Full Moon Group – 05 – Wahe Guru (3:56) (Right click to download)

Translation: “An expression of complete ecstatic awe of the Divine.”


* I apologize if my acoustic guitar is too loud in these recordings, it was a last minute decision to record them and I didn’t realize it would pickup my guitar so predominantly. However, I am grateful these recordings exist to preserve the magic of the communal singing that we all shared that magical evening.

Healing Sounds, Music & Voice Journeys for the Benefit of All
Insight Timer   21.2k followers YouTube 8.6K subscribers YouTube 437 followers