Week 4 – May 26th 2018 – Shamanic Trance & Ecstatic Dance Course – $25
Week 4 – May 26th 2018 – Shamanic Trance & Ecstatic Dance Course – $25

Week 4 – May 26th 2018 – Shamanic Trance & Ecstatic Dance Course – $25


04 – May 26th – Shamanic Trance/Ecstatic Dance 
(with special guest Ecstatic Dance instructor – Jess Trevitt)

Lecture/Talk: TRANCE – “OUR ANCESTORS USED SOUND AND VIBRATION TO ACCESS DIFFERENT STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS”. Many indiginous, tribal and Eastern cultures have found connection to Nature, the Universe and their individual spirit by evoking different states of consciousness. These are typically known as trance states, and are the connection to our inner world where ancestral wisdom, guidance and healing can be found dwelling within our very own bodies, minds and consciousness.
Workshop/Experience: There will be two experiences to induce trance. One, inspired by anthropologist’s Felicitas Goodman and Belinda Gore’s study into trance postures, Matthew Jaidev will be guiding participants into a series of short 15-minute states of trance while assuming various held postures reasearched by these anthropologists, using drum, rattle and voice. Afterwards Ecstatic Dance instructor Jess Trevitt will guide participants into an Ecstatic Dance experience fueled by Matthew Jaidev’s live soundscape creations.
Suggested to bring: Wear loose/relaxing clothing for trance/dancing experience, bottled water, journal/pen for notes.
Cost: $25.00 for 2 hour lecture/workshop.


04 – May 26th – Shamanic Trance/Ecstatic Dance 
(with special guest Ecstatic Dance instructor – Jess Trevitt)

Lecture/Talk: TRANCE – “OUR ANCESTORS USED SOUND AND VIBRATION TO ACCESS DIFFERENT STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS”. Many indiginous, tribal and Eastern cultures have found connection to Nature, the Universe and their individual spirit by evoking different states of consciousness. These are typically known as trance states, and are the connection to our inner world where ancestral wisdom, guidance and healing can be found dwelling within our very own bodies, minds and consciousness.
Workshop/Experience: There will be two experiences to induce trance. One, inspired by anthropologist’s Felicitas Goodman and Belinda Gore’s study into trance postures, Matthew Jaidev will be guiding participants into a series of short 15-minute states of trance while assuming various held postures reasearched by these anthropologists, using drum, rattle and voice. Afterwards Ecstatic Dance instructor Jess Trevitt will guide participants into an Ecstatic Dance experience fueled by Matthew Jaidev’s live soundscape creations.
Suggested to bring: Wear loose/relaxing clothing for trance/dancing experience, bottled water, journal/pen for notes.
Cost: $25.00 for 2 hour lecture/workshop.

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